Koh Lanta On Map Of Thailand. Comprehensive map coverage of Koh Lanta island in Thailand, showing all major beaches, hotels, restaurants and amenities - click on an icon for a pop-up balloon containing more info. View our Ko Lanta map to see the location of Ko Lanta's major beaches and the surrounding islands.
Ko Lanta is a very good diving destination if you are travelling with your family and non divers.
Here's a detailed guide on the best things to do; the best place to stay, top restaurants & beaches, all with first-hand That my friends is Koh Lanta, one of Thailand's best kept secrets.
It was known long ago by its name in the Malay language, Pulao Satak, which means Long Beach Island. It is a country located in Mainland Southeast Asia (Centre of the It has spectacular islands, temples and exotic wildlife. The lifestyle on Lanta is laid back and the waves good fun.