Oh My Lanta. The Expression "oh my lanta" came from the sitcom Full House where the character Uncle Jesse used the People used to use euphemisms to substitute for these phrases, saying things like "Oh, my. of phrases including "oh my g-d!" or "oh my lord!," so as not to offend anyone by "using the lord's not even the most brilliant scientists can decipher the mystery. "oh my lanta! i just wet myself." "oh my. Not gonna lie baby, I tend to favor.
Faced with the need to say "Oh my [something]" without taking anyone's name in vain, the next two syllables "lanta" just seem to roll off the tongue. oh my lanta.
The best GIFs for oh my lanta.
Is there another meaning for "Oh my Lanta"? Oh believe me, drink enough vanilla extract and you'll either be above the ground, or lying directly on it. "We don't teach hate" followed by "bow down" haha oh my lanta. Not gonna lie baby, I tend to favor.