Koh Lanta Yai Thailand. Koh Lanta is the perfect Thai island for us. In the past, if you mentioned the name "Koh Lanta " there may be only few tourists who would Koh Lanta Yai preserves its community spirit in both family and business life.
It's mostly Isaan girls like so often in the foreigner-oriented entertainment venues in southern Thailand.
Koh Lanta is said to be the most rewarding scuba diving site in all of Thailand thanks to a near infinite collection of reefs and underwater caves brimming with sea life, and the fact that it is devoid of major tourist crowds.
Koh Lanta Noi is a land forgotten by tourists, with rubber plantations, palm trees, deserted castaway beaches and local Muslim fishing villages. Tips voor mooie stranden, snorkelplekken, hotels en restaurants vind je hier! ➜. Ko Lanta (เกาะลันตา) is an island off the Andaman Coast of Southern Thailand.