Koh Lanta Heroes. Koh-Lanta is a French reality television series, France's version of Survivor. Koh-Lanta: L'Île des héros (transl. "Koh-Lanta: Island of Heroes") is the twenty-fourth season and the sixth special season of the French version of Survivor, Koh-Lanta.
Koh Lanta has joined an initiative called Trash Hero.
Koh-Lanta es una adaptación del reality estadounidense; Supervivientes.
You can help by just buying a reusable metal water bottle, which you can refill for free at the many spots your map shows you. Our Ko Lanta travel guide helps you find the best Ko Lanta beaches, rent amazing Ko Lanta villas, get the best hotels and easily book Ko Lanta transfers. Bonjour, je viens de voir la fin de cette fabuleuse saison de koh lanta qui était sans doute la meilleur.